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Brazil’s April lube demand falls

Iain Pocock

Brazil’s lubricating oil demand faced a seasonal slowdown in April from a typical surge in consumption the previous month.

Demand also fell from year-earlier levels for a second month amid a dip in consumption of lubricants linked to the industrial sector.

Total consumption of 88,200mᶟ (78,130t) in April fell from a one-year high of 111,260mᶟ in March and by 1pc from year-earlier levels, according to IBP.

Even with the slowdown, total consumption of 369,650mᶟ in the first four months of the year was up 5pc from 352,990mᶟ during the same period last year.

The month of April was the first since last November that Brazil’s industrial oils, heavy-duty engine oils (HDEO) and passenger-car motor oils (PCMO) all fell from year-earlier levels.

PCMO demand had previously continued to rise even when industrial oils or HDEO consumption had fallen.

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